Remember that time you learned a foreign language overnight? Or how about the time you learned to shred the guitar like Eddie Van Halen in a month, just playing for 6 minutes a day? No? Maybe you became a surgeon in a weekend at a certification course. Sounds crazy right? Because it is.
The same thing is true of mastering nutrition - it takes time. Excuse me...ahem.... IT TAKES TIME...
...and commitment, and preparation, and a sprinkling of will power.
My good friend Alejandro is a master plumber, electrician and carpenter. He's helped build out every part of our gyms.
His saying is, "It may be simple, but it's never easy."
He knows that fixing a pipe may result in fixing 9 more issues.
His experience has told him this.
My experience has told me that nutrition is about progress and compliance over time. Many people will start a plan and come out HOT & FAST and perfect. Sometimes this actually works - these are the RockStars! They're few and far between. Usually it's a log path paved with tons of success and some failures (holidays, birthdays, vacations, etc).
So - what's the secret? Simple - don't lose sight of the forest by focusing on one tree.
If you have a bad meal, or a bad day, or a bad weekend, or a bad week, or a bad month - stop - reset- make a plan - prepare - be held accountable - and execute! It all starts now - nothing you can do about yesterday - zero, zip, zilch. Get back on the pony and ride. Today. Right now. PREP!