It usually happens on day 2 or 3.
"I can't believe I didn't start this sooner!"
Sometimes it feels impossible, making these gains. Some days the progress isn't there or has stalled or you're slow to get rolling; maybe you didn't get enough sleep and your recovery is suffering.
The number one thing that will save you is showing up, consistently.
Showing up in the kitchen and sink, showing up and prioritizing sleep, showing up and putting in the work in the gym, on the road, in the studio.
This doesn't have to be 100% effort. Averaging 75% effort will get you where you want to be most of the time. Consistent, achievable, daily stuff.
Consistency wins every time.
The hot starters, the comeback queens & kings that put in 3 very-hard weeks and then take a 7 week break; they will always be beaten by the slow starters that put in twelve 75% effort weeks.
This is how you get that mojo back.
Do the same simple things over and over, averaging 75% effort.
Make mistakes, don't dwell on them and keep moving forward.